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TCPC General Meeting

DIY Project:
Scanning 35mm Slides and Negatives

If you have boxes or magazines of 35mm slides sitting in storage that you would like to convert to digital photos or printouts, there are several different approaches—some that cost money and some that don’t . We’ll take a look at those options and share some tips on best practices to get quality results. If you have tackled a project like this yourself, bring your experiences to share at the meeting.

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Meeting ID: 883 4259 9338

Telephone (only) Passcode: 45645419

This is the regular, monthly meeting of the Twin Cities PC Users' Group.  Our topic varies each month.  We normally (time permitting) open with a time of Random Access where attendees are invited to ask questions that may be answered by other members.

Tuesday, July 9, 2024 - 19:00 to 21:00