BIOS vs UEFI: What’s the Diff?
A question arose at the August meeting asking about UEFI, so it seemed like a good topic for a meeting to discuss the differences between BIOS and UEFI.
We’ll explore what the terms BIOS and UEFI stand for, what roles they play in starting up and running a computer system, the history of each and what features they each support as well as what limitations they might have.
All input, additions, corrections, and anecdotal experience from attendees are welcome.
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This is the regular, monthly meeting of the Twin Cities PC Users' Group. Our topic varies each month. We normally (time permitting) open with a time of Random Access where attendees are invited to ask questions that may be answered by other members.
Download and open this file to add these meetings to your computer or smart device calendar: TCPC Tech Topics and General Meeting events for 2023.